The formula is calories in calories out. You have to burn more than you take in. You have to eat clean by avoiding junk food, mainly sugars. Every "diet" will work. It could be Atkins
#1) Set a realistic goal. One pound a week is much more in line with a realistic goal for a small-framed female. Overweight people can lose it faster. But it will also tail off after the first few weeks down to a pound a week.
#2) Weigh and measure your food. It's the only way you'll know how many calories you're taking in. Guessing does not work and it only leads to discouragement. Why? Because even when you think you are eating healthy, if you are going over your alloted calorie count for the day you will not lose weight.
#3) Remember that body fat and body weight are NOT the same thing. Judge your progress on how your pants feel, how you look to yourself in the mirror, how much energy you have and your bodyfat not just what the scale says. And NEVER ask your friends or husband how you look. They will always be nice but they may not be honest.
#4: Keep a weekly progress chart. It should include weight, body fat percentage, waste measurements and a photo. It's possible to make progress even though the scale isn't moving. Pay attention to the progress over time not one or two weeks.
There is no finish line.
Jenny Craig Talks Making Nutrition a Lifestyle