If you’re not on a diet but still want to drop a few pounds you can do this easily by just changing the way you snack. Let’s say you have a snack in between breakfast and lunch, one between lunch and dinner and another one before bed. They are a bag of chips, a candy bar, or cookies. Each one is about 250 to 350 calories. If you replace the snacks with healthier snacks of around 100 calories you’ll be able to lose weight even if you do not change any of the other things that you eat!
Instead of eating 800 or 900 calories from snacks you’re only eating 300 or 400. That's a savings of around 500 calories a day which can really add up. Given that there’s about 3500 calories in a pound if you really did shave off 500 calories a day you could be losing a pound a week. Next time you reach for a snack, think about being good to your hips and your health by choosing one of the healthy, low calorie snacks:
Apple slices with peanut butter are a great healthy snack as long as you choose all natural peanut butter that doesn’t have additives and especially sugar added. Go easy on the peanut butter. It's high in fat.
Fresh fruit is a great healthy snack and can help curb those sugar cravings. Fruits have sugar too, but the body can metabolize them easier than processed sugar, high fructose corn syrup in other nasty elements in process snack foods. Some great healthy choices for fruits include blueberries, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, and cantaloupe.
Yogurt can be a great healthy snack if you choose the right kind, and in fact, recent studies show that eating low-fat dairy products can help you to lose even more weight. You need to choose yogurt that has no sugar added and not the kind that has the blobs of fruit that you stir up as this will be loaded with sugar. The best pick is organic yogurt that has live cultures which can give your digestive system some of that good bacteria that it needs to work properly.